USC Viterbi is one of the nation’s top engineering schools, and we anchor Silicon Beach, voted one of the top startup ecosystems in the world. We have many opportunities to learn entrepreneurial skills and build a startup. Do you want to make an impact?
- Community: Join one of the many Viterbi student organizations to help you get hacking!
- Competitions & Grants: Participate in one of our Viterbi Student Innovation Institute (VSI2) competitions or the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges. This could potentially lead to an NSF I-Corps Teams grant.
- Education: Entrepreneurship skills are taught to all first year students during the ENGR 102 sections through the Viterbi Student Entrepreneurship Education (VSEE) program. Undergraduates can take part in courses offered through TAC in the Digital Entrepreneurship Minor. Upper-division undergraduates and graduate students are invited to take one of the following courses:
Undergraduate students looking for a deeper engagement can apply to the W.V.T. Rusch Undergraduate Engineering Honors Program: Innovation Track. The program includes a commercialization plan as the Honor's project that is completed under the supervision of a faculty mentor.
- Guidance: Undergraduates can attend innovation office hours to discuss ideas and ventures with one of our faculty members! Professor Trina Gregory is available to meet with you virtually or in person. Please sign up for her Innovation Office Hours on Calendly.
- Information: Join our email list on the Connect page. Listen to the Viterbi Voices podcast to hear the Building Startups at USC episode.
To learn more about all of our activities, view the Viterbi Student Innovation slides and/or the Zoom recording from our TIE Info Session on August 27, 2021 hosted by Vice Dean of Innovation, Ellis Meng.